Monday, August 9, 2010

The Global Citizen Gazette

We live in an age of deep anxiety. Threats of economic instability, political upheaval, fanatical terrorism, fiscal irresponsibility, persistent nationalism, environmental deterioration, repression of the freedoms of the people and potential clashes between nations all combine to make the early 21st Century an uncertain era. Over the last century, humanity has grown more powerful without becoming more wise. The dreams that we all felt the night 1999 became 2000, and the world entered what we hoped would be a better millennium, seem in danger.

The old political ideologies lack the ability to confront these difficult challenges, and the prevailing political parties in most nations seem interested only in acquiring a trough from which to feed themselves. A completely new perspective is required, one that will merge the best ideas of the past with the new ideas of the present, in order to show the way towards a bright future for the world. If we can do that,. then we can make our planet the paradise it should be.

That's what the Global Citizen Gazette will be all about.

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